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Many patients ask when they can exercise after breast augmentation surgery. Patients should start light walking immediately after surgery – nothing strenuous, just short walks around the room or home every other hour. This is good for the circulation and helps prevent blood clots. After two weeks, patients can start more intense cardio such as walking on a treadmill or walking uphill. At a month most patients can resume most exercise except heavy lifting. At six weeks, patients are generally completely healed and can resume all exercises.

After breast augmentation, especially with implants under the muscle, patients should try to avoid strenuous chest exercises such as push-ups. Since the implants sit under the muscle, contraction places downward and outward pressure on them which, over time can result in the implants dropping or becoming displaced over time. As a general rule, patients need to listen to their bodies – if they do something that causes swelling or discomfort, stop doing it and give it a little more time.

Implants should not impede you from having an active lifestyle. It will be important in your consultation with your surgeon to discuss what sports or exercise you do to help guide your decision when it comes to sizing or implant pocket placement. Definitely use a good supportive bra when exercising and wait until you are fully recovered and cleared by your surgeon before starting any activity.

Original Article available Here

Questions about exercise after breast augmentation surgery or other concerns?  Contact us. 

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