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If you’ve considered a facelift but don’t know much at all about them, read on. Before deciding upon any surgical procedure, you will likely have questions.  In this blog, we’ve done our best to answer the most asked questions about surgical facelifts.  If we haven’t addressed your question or concern, please feel free to contact us.

How do I know when I should get a facelift?

When your daily beauty and skin regimens don’t seem to be working anymore, it could be time to consider a facelift. If you have sagging skin that easily pulls away from the face and neck or hangs loosely, a facelift is the only treatment option that can help. Part of the facelift procedure is to remove the extra skin to result in a firmer, younger-looking appearance.

What does a facelift surgery typically involve?All About Facelifts | Coal Creek Plastic Surgery Center

Depending on the concern your plastic surgeon is addressing and correcting, there may be several different techniques used. After anesthesia is administered, incisions for a facelift are typically placed in the hairline around the temple and work down to the lower scalp. During the procedure, the surgeon will sculpt or remove fat, reposition the underlying tissue, and lift facial muscles. Once complete, incisions are closed with sutures or skin adhesives.

Additionally, depending on other factors such as your age, or bone and fat loss, your surgeon may recommend adding volume to your face for a more natural look. This would involve procedures like fillers, facial fat transfer, or implant surgery.

Will I have scarring? How long does it take to recover?

Since incisions are made along the hairline, facelift scars typically aren’t noticeable. If a chin incision has been made, your surgeon will strategically make this incision in naturally occurring creases in the chin to hide any scarring.

After your facelift procedure, you can expect your face and neck to feel sore and tight for the first few days. Your care team will prescribe the recommended pain medications to help ease any discomfort. To allow time to heal, you may wish to plan in advance to take time off from work and to abstain from strenuous workouts following your surgery. Plan to discuss the amount of time with your care team.  Healing times vary from person to person, but within about 10 days, the swelling and bruising should be minimal.

Will I see results right away?

You should see a change in appearance right away, but you will also have swelling and bruising that can last up to a few weeks. Once you are completely healed, you should see noticeable improvements, namely a more youthful and toned appearance, usually around 2 to 3 months.

How long will it last?

Results of a facelift can last as many as 10 years, particularly if you are proactive in the care of your face and body. Take these precautions to maximize your results:

  • Use sunscreen. Sun exposure is one of the leading causes of signs of aging, as UV rays break down important proteins in your
    skin. Use sunscreen daily and avoid deliberate tanning.
  • Eat a healthful, balanced diet. Eating fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains can have a positive impact on the way your skin looks and feels while helping to slow down skin aging. Also, strive to reduce or eliminate sugar from your diet because sugar triggers a chemical process called glycation. During this process, sugar molecules damage proteins, lipids, and other important molecules that promote optimum skin health.
  • Use the right skincare products for your skin type and concerns. Medical-grade skincare products that contain ingredients
    like retinoids, peptides and antioxidants can all contribute to brighter, smoother skin.
  • Take advantage of cosmetic treatments such as .aser resurfacing treatments,  photo facials and chemical peels. If you’ve just recently
    had a facelift, check with your care team about how long you should wait before scheduling any nonsurgical cosmetic treatments.

We feel very strongly that plastic surgical care must be individualized to each person’s unique situation. If you’re ready to take that next step, schedule a consultation with us at Coal Creek Plastic Surgery Center. We are here to thoroughly discuss your options and to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

Adapted from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons

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