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The Mommy Makeover is one of our most popular combination plastic surgery techniques, designed to address the issues faced by women who have gone through pregnancy and breastfeeding.

What happens to the body after childbirth and breastfeeding?

The breasts enlarge substantially, increasing as much as a full cup size or more. Once you return to normal, there will be a significant reduction in breast volume and with that can come sagging. And because the process of being pregnant and giving birth involves the stretching of muscles (particularly in the abdomen), skin and tissues, they may not always bounce back to pre-baby shape.

What does a Mommy Makeover consist of?

Each procedure is customized for each patient’s unique needs. However, the Mommy Makeover generally includes a breast and abdomen contouring procedure, then adding other elements as needed.  The Mommy Makeover can consist of a combination of these treatments:

10 Things to Know About the Mommy Makeover | Coal Creek Plastic Surgery

What to Consider Before Deciding?

We recommend that all our patients know the facts before deciding to get any surgical procedure. Here are 10 things you should know about Mommy Makeovers* to help you decide if one is right for you.

  1. Mommy Makeover procedures are performed as outpatient surgery, allowing you to recover at home.
  2. Allow at least 2 weeks for the first stage of recovery. You will experience bruising, swelling, soreness and exhaustion.
  3. Follow the directions on your pain medications. Particularly, Do not drive while taking your pain medications. Be very careful with your narcotics — Take only as directed.  Call the office if questions arise.
  4. Swelling can last 6 months to a year. Once the swelling has subsided, you will experience the full benefits of your Mommy Makeover.
  5. Refrain from heavy lifting or vigorous exercise for at least 6 weeks. This includes carrying babies and lifting children over 10 lbs.
  6. The Mommy Makeover is not recommended for smokers. Smoking decreases circulation and delays wound healing. This leads to a substantial increase in the chance of serious complications occurring. If you are a smoker, stop smoking for at least four weeks before and four weeks after your mommy makeover. Perhpas you can use this as a reason to stop smoking altogether.
  7. Ask for help around the house for several weeks after your procedure. You will be sore, tired, and healing, so get help for household chores.
  8. Continue a healthy lifestyle through a balanced diet and routine exercise schedule.
  9. The mommy makeover is a combination of invasive techniques, so choose the best and most experienced plastic surgeon available; never risk your health and safety to cut corners or save money.
  10. One of the biggest payoffs is a boost in self-confidence. Your mommy makeover will be life-changing, restoring confidence and pride in your appearance.

*from The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS)

When you are ready to schedule your consultation, we are here to answer your questions and concerns!

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